Jun 19, 2011

News: A bit Breezy near the ocean...

So long story short, Gold Dust and the Odd Future’s front-man Tyler, The Creator have been at each other necks for the past two weeks, which was initially started when Chris tweeted (on June 2) what was apparently a subliminal [diss/shot] at the OFWGKTA.
“All this demonic music is wack as shit! I never claim to be no saint but by no means am I trying to promote death, violence,and destruction with my music!”
Hodgy Beats and Tyler, the Creator later chimed in and the rest is history:
Hours ago, the beef ensued when the R&B singer tweeted this (below), which prompted Frank Ocean to reply with a jab of his very own [after.]
For the full twitter beef, including some of Tyler’s tweets, you can do yourselves a favor by heading over to Flex’s spot to check the screen shots.

-Source: YK2

Chris Brown Needs to shut his gap, but his comments about Frank ocean are true. Before franky went "alt" - He was just plain old Lonny Breux, a talented writer and singer with lyrics and vocals similar to James Fauntleroy or Kevin Cossum. Its only because he is doing some other shit that is not the depreciating R&B, that the alt community has jumped on his d*ck.


Anonymous said...

Funniest shit ever! love twitter!

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